Beginning with the Cultural Revolution in China, the book follows Astrophysicist Ye Wenjie, her family, and her struggles when assigned to a secret communications monitoring base. Flash forward forty-plus years, and scientist Wang Miao, working in nanotechnology, is under investigation for his involvement with a group of elite scientists. Eventually, Wang's and Ye's paths cross when communication with an alien civilization becomes widely known. Some see the aliens as saviors for Earth's cultural and political problems, while others see them as dangerous conquerors. The ideological differences put the factions at odds and moved the story forward.
This is a hard science book with a compelling storyline. I admit I skimmed some more challenging scientific parts, but that didn't detract from the story or my overall comprehension. The characters face relevant moral and political dilemmas that make the story realistic and relatable. I sometimes got lost keeping the Chinese names straight, but focusing on three main characters helped. This is a fantastic book, and I look forward to the next book, The Dark Forest.
5/5 stars.
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