This story is set a few years after the end of the third book, The Book of Life. The twins are now seven years old, and Mathew and Diana live most of the year in the US, where Diana teaches at Yale and Mathew is continuing his creature DNA research.
The school year is over, and the family is preparing to spend the summer in England when a letter arrives from the Congregation, notifying Mathew and Diana that it is time for the twins' magical abilities to be tested. At the same time, Diana receives a message from her great-aunt, Gwyneth Proctor, telling her that she must come to the Proctor family home of Ravenswood. Once at Ravenswood, Diana learns it is time to develop her higher magic skills, with Aunt Gwyneth as her tutor.
This story is good because it explores an area of magic viewed as dangerous in the previous books. Diana and Mathew must come to terms with the fact that Diana is an even more powerful witch than they previously believed. Overall, I did like the book, but I found the pacing uneven and got bogged down in places.
3.5/5 stars.
* The previous books in the series, in order, are A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life, and Time's Convert.
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