Childhood friends Jess and Storey embark on their annual hunting trip in Maine to escape the political turmoil sweeping the United States. They emerge to find towns decimated and being shot at by both secessionists and the U.S. military. Living off their wits and scavenging food, they try to get to neutral territory and work their way home. However, an unexpected encounter alters their plans, and they must adjust to new circumstances using their survival skills.
This book discusses male friendships and the dangers of clinging to an ideology at the expense of family. It has many flashbacks to show why the bond between Jess and Storey is so strong. I liked that it does not take a political stand or seek to explore belief systems. As always, Heller does an excellent job weaving nature into an intriguing plot with well-drawn characters.
4.5/5 stars.
Thank you, NetGalley and Knopf, for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. The publication date is August 13, 2024.
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