Saturday, December 2, 2023

Dead Man's Grave by Neil Lancaster

 I saw this series recommended on Twitter (Sorry, Elon, it will always be Twitter to me) by an author I like. I also like British police procedurals, and this one sounded good, so I thought I'd try it. I'm glad I did, but I don't know if I'll keep reading it--I think I have too many good series reads to take one another. But never say never.

Tam Hardie is the head of a family that controls the drug trade in Scotland. He is also into genealogy, and his quest for an ancestor's grave leads him to a remote cemetery and a marker reading "this grave never to be opened." He is murdered, and his body is placed under the marker. Detectives Max Cragie and Janie Calder find the body and discover the death is a result of a blood feud between two families that dates to the 1800s. Knowing that Tam's death will resurrect the feud, they try to head off more killings, and in doing so, find themselves not only up against the Hardie family but corruption in Police Scotland as well--both are trying to hinder their investigation.

This is an excellently paced novel with a hook that grabbed me from the beginning with the grave and its ominous warning. The action didn't let up, and the investigation details rang authentically.  This is the promising start to what may be an excellent series, and I liked the two detectives so I may revisit this series to check in on them.

4 stars.

For more information:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble

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