Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Sequel by Jean Hanff Korelitz

 I enjoyed The Plot and its peek into the world of writing, agents, and publishers. Its surprise ending was haunting. When I saw the author had written another book with many of the same characters, I was elated: maybe she would explore what motivated Anna to do what she did. My prayers were answered. This book focuses on Jake's widow, Anna, who has much to account for.

It's two years after bestselling author Jake Finch Bonner's death, and his widow, Anna Williams-Bonner, lives off his royalties while she decides what to do with her life. Anna writes a book at a writer's retreat, drawing on Jake's death for inspiration. The book becomes a bestseller, and the spotlight is now on her. With the notoriety comes scrutiny of her life, and someone out there knows too much. Anna receives an excerpt from a novel written by a person who is long dead, which could upset the success Anna now enjoys. Needing to know who the anonymous person is, Anna begins digging into Jake's past to see if she can find and neutralize the threat.

As I watched Anna wreak destruction in her quest to preserve her identity, I wondered how I could be rooting for her—yet I did. Korelitz does an excellent job of portraying cold-blooded Anna as a victim. The book starts slowly, but once Anna goes on the offensive, it picks up, and the suspense is palpable. I recommend reading The Plot before attempting this second book in the series; both are worthwhile. 

4/5 stars.

For more information:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble

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